
The following are a sample of feedback provided by various clients of DFHC:

  • I have no hesitation in recommending David for his in-depth knowledge and experience from both the clinical and industry perspectives of healthcare.
  • David has provided great leadership and support for our hospital based pharmacy services. Many of the improvements he has put in place have improved patient care and experience as well as contributing positively to the organisational business.
  • David was of great support and brought valuable insight to the table whilst assisting us with a multi-million dollar national drug tender. I would certainly use his services again.
  • David’s thorough knowledge of the hospital pharmacy environment and his ability to engage a team was highly valued. His flexibility and ‘can do’ attitude enabled him to achieve positive outcomes during his tenure.

  • I highly recommend David Ford. We have had David involved in multiple payer advisory boards where we have sought out inputs on how best to understand the needs of payers in therapeutic categories that are new to our company. His advice has proven to be extremely clear, direct, and actionable.
  • David has an in depth knowledge of healthcare and has helped with our stratgey and training. Highly recommended
  • David is an experienced campaigner in the hospital environment and can facilitate understandings and discussions to bring Pharmaceutical & Device companies together with the hospitals, clinicians and other key decision makers to come to win-win scenarios.  He has a can-do attitude!
  • I found David to be very insightful and keen to provide a highly valuable expert report which he delivered on time and on budget.
  • Thanks again David, great also to see you and of course greatly appreciate your commitment to the meeting’s success
  • Many thanks David. You have done a power of work, we will present this to Exec
  • It was great to meet you and I’d like to echo the messages of thanks for your work + presentation - it’s given us a much better understanding of the funding landscape nationally upon which to build our thinking
  • Many thanks again for all your help and advice yesterday. I really appreciated the time you took going over everything.
  • Thank you David. Greatly appreciated and fantastic job! We were amazed with the speediness of the Formulary applications – thank you once again for getting NSW and VIC competed so quickly.
  • Thank you again for undertaking the project and for your comprehensive report document. Along with your insights I believe we have a very thorough understanding of the landscape in Australia
  • Please accept my thanks & those of my colleagues for the presentation delivered & your insights on how the PBS works
  • This is really good and this is exactly what I am looking for. I look forward to see what my colleague’s view will be and then we can discuss further. Thanks
  • We are writing to thank you for your time and participation in our offshore conference in Hawaii earlier this month.  The overall response from attendees was very positive so we hope that it met with your expectations.
  • Following a recommendation by my colleague we would like to invite you to take part in a study investigating the potential of a new drug indicated for the maintenance treatment of schizophrenia
  • Thanks for getting the ratings back to me and thank you again for a very, very productive discussion
  • In short - the presentation was absolutely spot on. Audience loved it. I loved it. I have heard nothing but great things from people. My boss told me this morning that it was the highlight of the entire conference for him. As it was for me too. The content was relevant, educational, meaningful and most importantly, well presented by someone who knows their stuff and can hold an audience attention and keep them interested.
  • Can I just add to that to say it certainly exceeded my expectations
  • Thanks for the presentations last week. The team all thought the training was fantastic.
  • Well done David, good comments and really appreciate your detailed review!
  • David Ford did an exceptional job and made sure the tour went very smoothly. Nothing was too much trouble for him and he made sure everyone’s needs were met. He coped well with any unforeseen difficulties. He was knowledgeable and made sure we all had a good time. His role was essential to the success of this tour
  • David, the Pilbara experience was fantastic and this was largely because of the great job you did leading it. Thank you.
  • David did a superb job – keep using him
  • David is an extremely personable and highly knowledgeable leader. He also injects a fair dose of humour. I would thoroughly recommend him.
  • On behalf of my company, thank you for your participation in our Advisory Board. Your candid and comprehensive feedback throughout the meeting was greatly appreciated and will be extremely beneficial for our future planning efforts. You did an excellent job of speaking up throughout. Thank you for your honest commentary and for helping provide the appropriate framework for continued success.
  • David thank you so much for your great contributions to the lively discussions at the ad board. It is always a pleasure to have you at the ad board meetings
  • Grateful thanks to David Ford who provided a wealth of information and education regarding Health Budgets and Hospital processes and fielded numerous questions throughout the day answering each and everyone of them.
  • Thank you on behalf of my company for a fantastic presentation tonight.
  • Thanks for your open and honest feedback at yesterday’s meeting in Melbourne. As always your insightful and colourful opinions are appreciated and it was evident that you had prepared very well for the meeting. David it was very much appreciated and I have been given some great feedback so far.
  • Hello David. I just wanted to say thanks for your preparation and active participation in Friday’s ad board. We came away with some very valuable feedback and we were pleased with the open and honest interaction between the members.
  • Thanks David. I know that from the feedback I received from that team, it was very positive. I know that everyone was very impressed with the presentation and felt that it fulfilled our needs perfectly. This week we will review the official feedback forms and I will fill you in.
  • Hi David, The time was very well spent thanks. It was very insightful and useful. We do now need to take this to the next stage and look at building a “Hospital Strategy” for us
  • Thanks David. They all thought the presentation was great and very useful.